

Rabu, 04 November 2009

Realizing things you want in the house

Humans have the power, including the power to create something with fantasy.
Power can be processed and developed into a tool for change, predict, and create a situation today and tomorrow then.

How to create an object that you want to have at home a reality and will happen?

It requires a way and it is on the strength of our own. Find the one thing that you want in your home. After you specify the object instance; you want the bill on your desk. So the first thing degan sit down relax and close your eyes in front of your desk.

Thinking form of the object (such as money) are clearly imagine, give a clear color image of the money front and rear sides, and imaging. Imagine one of these bills out of nowhere has been on the desk.

Think again as before add it in the form of shadow into sheets. If you focus and concentration with imagination and the right image in your imagination about it, then you stay put in the heart, and do not to be expressed to others. Then one day you will find things you imagine what it really has happened.

That process is a process of creation of a substance non material into the material.  Of course this is a process takes time to get to the realization of the object. Are real and can happen with real business thanks to you, or the magic that you own strength.

Good luck

Many Visible Body in Front of Opponent

This is rare in science like oldest sunda tradition name “miraga five, seven, or nine, etc.”. The difference in body miraga science really seen a lot and it not only by enemies but by humans the others, practice severe enough, have a pati geni ngebleng, even while buried life, but reply here only as a vision of our adversary that we really really annoying.
Maybe before you read the article with the energy absorbing wall eye, well it's the key that you have to basically set. To prepare training  mirror glass is visible or limited body sitting on the floor.
Focusing mirror to see your body and set a focal point your eyes to see, try to practice for a long blink. Begin at the fire focal point of your body image focus in mirror glass the face (forehead) to speed up the exercise. If you look in the eyes of our faces change means the exercise could be continued, it means the aura of our body work together with the image of ourselves in the mirror.
First single focus exercises hotspots face, then you can see your face change is scary, there are like animals, there are other faces similar, there is a similar-looking faces, etc.. for the first training set and select one of these faces, as your mask. Well in this exercise to remember how not to forget how to can you determine which one you choose face. Then you work on this exercise, to try if you define a scary face, find the little boy's face so that you, and you'd like to do way before the mirror and force the child's eyes are the mirror and focus on a child if you had a sign of fear.
The second exercise focused two (crossed), when you mirror set at the beginning of a focus on deep look up as the first practice and select and set your own face. Change the mirror image of your face and your body in half so the way his eyes squint. If the shadows in your eyes had a two-set all you can in any way so as not to merge, much better away, was set that way to remember the techniques you will make eye for it. Well if you are able to like this, find someone wrote an honest and innocent or be your girlfriend. Do not let your opponent first saw your eyes, but let his eyes where the eyes will see a split second your eyes be your eyes see first reply mastered both his eyes sparkle and focus to do two such techniques, the serious until a few moments. Well if your opponent continuously at least have succeeded especially when prompted opponents / media that your friend saw you two it clearly succeeded.
Further exercises focus three, four, and so on. When you focus on two successful at your shadow on your eyes look  two your right eye to focus your right to see the shadow, and his left eye to focus on your left shadow in the mirror. Now the focus of the three try to focus on the right eye / left that you think is more sensitive to the aura. For example the right eye see the right image without losing focus eye left with the left eye shadows. Turn right image in your right eye focused into two? successfully, this exercise quite difficult and you need to push a little puff of breath and breath hold regular breath, if you can not do over and over again do not forget to constantly keep in practice or absorb solar energy, and if you are able to split the right image of your in the mirror with your right eye means that you managed to turn the vision into three. to practice / experiment do as the focus of two previous techniques. Forward problem with the left eye the left image into two so that you become an even balance of four shadows. If you have managed to divide the four and five images with your own means you may find the technique to reproduce images that you focus on one and then two two become four and so on. Well this is not hypnosis, if hypnosis is real lie in your enemy's vision. If you perform this technique when meeting an enemy or bad guys in the way the enemy will be confused and their vision to shadows of our bodies, then they would attack the wind and it is easy to trick them.
Well then if you are able to move your image without moving the body with the practice procedur emotions and fantasies Ok. How do we separate the black shadow with our bodies that's another story in another article ....
He he heh do practice exercises safely absorb the energy, both the moon, sun, trees, water, fire, etc. so tnah Full powernya and all techniques to be able to ....
Good Try

Selasa, 03 November 2009

Menyerap Energi dengan Mata

Manusia hidup dengan energi (ruhani) demikian pula Tuhan menyiapkan segala sesuatu energi untuk kebutuhan mahlukNya yaitu energi alam semesta yang begitu luas. Energi menopang bagi hidup dan kehidupan umat manusia diantaranya Matahari dengan sinarnya menyokong aktivitas hidup manusia, dan seluas-luasnya energi matahari dapat dipergunakan oleh kita, misalnya pembangkit listrik tenaga surya, dll.

Demikian halnya bulan, tumbuhan, udara, air, tanah, api dll. semuanya telah disiapkan oleh Tuhan di alam semesta bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia, namun manusia selalu ingkar ; merusaknya, mengotorinya dengan gas-gas yang merusak sehingga munculnya pemanasan global yang tak terkendali terhadap bencana kerusakan alam semesta yang tiada dapat memperbaikinya kecuali Dia Sang Pencipta. Manusia dititipkan Tuhan hanya sebagai pemanfaat, pemelihara amanat khalifah di muka bumi.

O i ya tentang menyerap energi banyak caranya lho yang dapat kita tempuh. Namun ada satu yang cukup simpel dan mudah dipelajari. Jaman dahulu seseorang sampai berhari-hari melihat matahari secara langsung untuk dapat menyerapnya sampai keluar air mata darah. Sebenarnya simpel tekniknya bukan mesin tetapi melalui indra mata kita sendiri.

Mata kita memiliki fokus dan sensor yang dapat kita ubah-ubah dan untuk dapat menyerap energi dengan mata ambil satu sensor saja yaitu sensor juling. sensor ini dimana posisi sudut pandang kita terbagi dua, sehingga apa yang kita lihat seolah-olah terlihat dua.

Ambil satu contoh untuk menyerap hangatnya cahaya rembulan atau panasnya sinar mentari, untuk latihan carilah waktu di mana posisi bulan ataumatahari tepat berada di hadapan wajah kita, sehingga kita tidak tengadah. Berdirilah kamu dihadapannya dengan memandang satu titik fokus benda yang kamu lihat misalnya matahari. Lihatlah serta merta tetapkan fokus penglihgatan sambil mengeser sensor mata menjadi juling. Al Hasil matahari yang kamu lihat seolah-olah menjadi dua. Lihatlah kilauannya dengan mata satu pada satu matahari yg kamu lihat, demikian mata lainnya untuk latihan bolehlah kamu berkedip. Tetapkan julingan tersebut dan satukan kembali penglihatan matahari itu, lalu pejamkanlah mata.

Nah, proses diantara waktu anda melihat benda menjadi dua juling kemudian berubah menjadi satu disanalah mata kita menyerap energi benda tersebut. Ingat anda harus fokus bisa jadi energi yang lain yang buruk kalau kurang fokus ikut masuk. kalau ingin mempercepat dan memperberat massa energi yang anda serap gunakan teknik isap nafas dan hembus nafas secara teratur. Tanda anda berhasil dengan teknik ini anda sedikitnya merasakan energi benda yang anda serap misalnya matahari, sehingga mata kita menjadi hangat maka alirkanlah ke seluruh tubuh untuk kesehatan badan anda. Nah untuk teknik mata ini guna menghindari kegagalan misalnya malah mata kita menjadi rusak min, plus, atau rabun , maka lihatlah sumber cahaya secara langsung dimanapun anda berada kalau tidak kuat menunduklah jangan paksakan kalau sinar komputer ya redupkan sedikit, dan yang penting hindari sumber sinar yang terhalang seperti lampu neon yang anda tutup dengan kertas atau seperti lampion (cahaya palsu) dan sebagian kilauan sinar tidak langsung seperti cahaya riak air yg disinari matahari, fatamorgana, dan lainnya.

Selamat Mencoba.